This is a picture of the tragic events that happened in the 9/11 terrorist attack. I feel angry that people would hurt our nation just to get what they want . photo
life in 5th grade
So far life in 5th grade is a great and I love all my teachers.
Super Digital Citizen
My name is Super Site, and I help people understand the dangers of the internet.
My goal this year is to get A B honor award at the end of the year.
Im Only Me When Im Drug Free
I choose to be drug free because of all the stories I have heard. Stories of people having car wrecks , even stories of people dieing! My grandma said she would smoke all the time. Few years later and there are doctors popping up everywhere!
Row Your Site
all about me
I like to do things the hard way. I also like to always be the teachers pet. I was always kinda that little girl who wanted to be teachers pet. I love math and science I beleive they are the most important subjects. People say I am a weirdo because I love school.
So Long 3rd Grade
The most important thing I learned was how copy right works. My favorite project was the pizza box project from Moe’s Pizza. I was most surprised by how hard 3rd was. The thing I dislike most was nothing I always loved school.